Rend Co Kids Blog

Rend Collective
Great Games for Family Fun!

Great Games for Family Fun!

I love playing games with the kids. It a time to connect with them, and see where they are at with a bunch of skills like math, comprehension and reading. Its's also a good opportunity to teach fairness, patience and the art of losing with dignity. A tricky one to master!!! Here are a few recommendations for various age groups:Ages 2-3: Hungry hippos or pop the pig is a super starter game for littles as young as 2. The skill required is minimal, it's a ton of fun and also a sneaky way to teach colours and counting. Ages 4-5:...

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Rend Collective
Homemade Valentine's Day Cards

Homemade Valentine's Day Cards

So we discovered this adorable craft from Wood Lark’s blog and thought it would be the PERFECT craft to fulfil our Arthur’s school Valentine’s Day card requirements (must be homemade, no movie or action figures, etc, etc.) It was actually the perfect activity to do with Arthur (age 7) and Lochlainn (age 4) because instead of cutting and colouring and pasting what can feel like a million little cards, it ended up just feeling a lot like making play dough which they both love anyway. We had to make two batches to have enough for about 30 students, and definitely...

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Rend Collective
Three Ways To Show Your Child You Love Them This Month

Three Ways To Show Your Child You Love Them This Month

So this month as we focus on LOVE, we thought we’d share the ways we’ve learned how to demonstrate to our kids that we love them throughout the day. We of course realise that every kid, and every family is different. So this isn’t an exhaustive or even prescriptive list. It’s just some of the ways we’ve worked to cultivate intentional time with our kids and we’d LOVE to hear your input too! What are ways you carve intentional time with your wee ones? Let us know in the comments below.  1. Put your phone away! We need this reminder...

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Rend Collective
An Interview with Natasha Debnam (Illustrator of My Lighthouse book)

An Interview with Natasha Debnam (Illustrator of My Lighthouse book)

An Interview with Natasha Debnam (Illustrator of My Lighthouse book) We always knew we wanted to write a children's book around the concept of our song My Lighthouse. The idea kind of always stuck around, and even when new albums came out and tours began, it was always in the back of our minds.  But once we started writing songs and creating a little more for our children, we knew it was the right time.  We ended up having several illustrators pitch their work to us, and Natasha Debnam was one of them. We'd worked with her before on the...

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