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Homemade Valentine's Day Cards

Homemade Valentine's Day Cards

So we discovered this adorable craft from Wood Lark’s blog and thought it would be the PERFECT craft to fulfil our Arthur’s school Valentine’s Day card requirements (must be homemade, no movie or action figures, etc, etc.)

It was actually the perfect activity to do with Arthur (age 7) and Lochlainn (age 4) because instead of cutting and colouring and pasting what can feel like a million little cards, it ended up just feeling a lot like making play dough which they both love anyway.

We had to make two batches to have enough for about 30 students, and definitely part of the key to this craft is to not roll the salt dough TOO thin so they end up like heavy, solid heart (and don’t break!)

The whole thing took us about 20 minutes (apart from the baking which takes wee bit longer), and was easy to clean up. When we weren’t managing the craft process, it was such a good way to connect with both the boys and hear about how they’re really doing and what it means to show love to people.

We’ve included the ingredients/materials for this craft below, but to read the full instructions click here. Happy Valentine’s Day! 

– 1c flour

–1/2c salt

– 1 tbs cream of tartar

– 2 tsp olive or avocado oil

– 1c boiling water

– rolling pin

– small heart cookie cutter 

– small nature items such as pinecones, gemstones, geode pieces, etc

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