The greatest act of worship was the cross of Jesus Christ
The greatest act of worship in history didn’t take place beneath festival lights in front of an enraptured crowd of thousands.
The greatest act of worship wasn’t Handel adding the final flourish to his insanely intricate musical masterpiece, “The Messiah”.
The greatest act of worship was and always will be the cross of Jesus Christ.
For reasons that have far more to do with pop culture than scripture, we tend to see worship primarily as a musical thing - worship is THAT guy with an acoustic guitar singing simple four chord songs. And while that absolutely CAN be worship, it definitely isn’t its highest expression.
Quality of Worship all through scripture is measured in terms of obedience and sacrifice: not lyrics and melody.
Consider the sacrificial system - the early way God taught his people to worship Him. A person obeys a reasonably complex list of requirements in fine detail and then sacrifices something of value.
You see, if something costs nothing, it’s worth nothing. This was built into the fabric of worship from the start.
This is why the cross is the ultimate act of worship. In perfect obedience, Jesus sacrificed His priceless life for His friends and for the Glory of the Father.
The takeaway from all of this then is that our worship should be held to the standard of the cross - not to the standard of the current #1 Christian and Gospel single on iTunes.
There is no way I could express this better than Paul does in Romans 12, so I leave you with this incredible scripture:
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
The greatest act of worship in history didn’t take place beneath festival lights in front of an enraptured crowd of thousands.
The greatest act of worship wasn’t Handel adding the final flourish to his insanely intricate musical masterpiece, “The Messiah”.
The greatest act of worship was and always will be the cross of Jesus Christ.
For reasons that have far more to do with pop culture than scripture, we tend to see worship primarily as a musical thing - worship is THAT guy with an acoustic guitar singing simple four chord songs. And while that absolutely CAN be worship, it definitely isn’t its highest expression.
Quality of Worship all through scripture is measured in terms of obedience and sacrifice: not lyrics and melody.
Consider the sacrificial system - the early way God taught his people to worship Him. A person obeys a reasonably complex list of requirements in fine detail and then sacrifices something of value.
You see, if something costs nothing, it’s worth nothing. This was built into the fabric of worship from the start.
This is why the cross is the ultimate act of worship. In perfect obedience, Jesus sacrificed His priceless life for His friends and for the Glory of the Father.
The takeaway from all of this then is that our worship should be held to the standard of the cross - not to the standard of the current #1 Christian and Gospel single on iTunes.
There is no way I could express this better than Paul does in Romans 12, so I leave you with this incredible scripture:
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”