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Your Name Is Power

Your Name Is Power

FINALLY. First new music of the year and we’re so grateful to get to share it with you, our wee internet family!

This song was born out of a need to remind ourselves of who is in control. As many of you may already know, Northern Ireland and the U.K. are going through a lot of political transitions that pose questions about the future that at times can feel overwhelming. But we know it’s not just the U.K. that is in a season of chaos and unknown— everywhere we turn seemingly there are issues. Some of them global, like the crisis in Sudan, or the protests in Hong Kong. Others are more private and no less overwhelming, loss of a family member, or job, seasons of doubt and confusion.

But here’s the thing friends, we have hope. There is an answer to the darkness, this IS hope among the chaos. His name is Jesus. His name scatters darkness, His name brings the dead back to life, and it’s at His name that every knee will bow and tongue confess Jesus is Lord.

There is power in the name of Jesus for his people to claim— that means you and I. Power to strengthen and encourage us. Power that only comes from Him. We hope this song encourages you to speak the power of His name over your circumstances WHATEVER they may be!

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