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One thing you can be certain of in "uncertain" times

One thing you can be certain of in "uncertain" times

One thing you can be certain of in "uncertain" times

We’ve been thinking a lot about what being a worship leader means in this new COVID-19 era we find ourselves journeying through together.

Big lively gatherings, subwoofers, confetti cannons, light shows and all the “stuff”, that comes with what we’ve been calling “worship leading” is on hold for a while. (And we cant wait for the explosive joy of that day when we get to celebrate in person again!).

But in another sense, this hasn’t really changed our calling one bit.

Our hearts’ desire is still to give you a reason to celebrate.

To wrap lyrics and melody around your experiences, the highs and the lows, so you can bring them to Jesus.

We want to show up for you in this valley, like you guys have showed up for us time and again.

We know that these times are uncertain.

But today’s reason to sing is that we can be certain of at least one thing - even in the middle of the mess.

SURELY His Goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life. (Psalm 23)

Notice that word “surely” - this is definitely happening. Whether you see it or feel it right now.

Our God is not just passively, abstractly good. His goodness is chasing you. His mercies are tracking you down.

There ARE brighter days ahead.

And that’s worth celebrating.

Love you,

-Rend Co.

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