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Where were you when “it” happened?

Where were you when “it” happened?

How the "Socially Distant Worship Club" came alive...

Where were you when “it” happened?

We were in the American Midwest when the news came tumbling in like an avalanche, with a fresh and terrifying update every couple of hours, and we realised that our lives were about to be upended by this pandemic.

We prematurely played the final show of what was supposed to be our first true World Tour in a state of shock and disbelief, feeling the weight of “these uncertain times” before that had become a cliche.

As we debriefed our abruptly abandoned tour on the bus and tried to sift through the wreckage of disappointments and fears for a plan of action, one thing began to emerge as essential:

We had to choose to worship. Somehow. Somewhere. Right in the middle of the mess.

Because if we didn’t we were going to find ourselves in a dark place - and also be revealed as hypocrites given the theme and title of our album “Choose to Worship”!

So we did what the Irish always do in a crisis. We invited our friends over for a wee cup of tea, to share a few stories, songs, belly laughs and ugly cries in our living room via Instagram live and Facebook live. Nothing fancy, just some people being raw and real, desperate for connection with God and each other.

Somewhere in the region of a million people tuned in to this first “Socially Distant Worship Club”.

Our minds were absolutely blown.

And the stories began to pour in from all around the globe.

Stories of how Jesus was using a barely in tune guitar and some people in their sweatpants to breathe hope and healing to the hurting and hopeless.

Humbled and encouraged, we’ve kept showing up like this every week since.

For us, Socially Distant Worship Club has been a little crack of light in the darkness of the pandemic.

A reminder that worship is always possible and that the church is truly unstoppable.

This Friday we're releasing the Socially Distant Worship Club EP!

It's our attempt to capture the unique and, I’d even, say “holy” atmosphere of these “gatherings”.

This isn’t polished, perfect or pristine. (Because we aren’t any of those things - maybe you can relate?)

This is just us, bringing our real selves before the real God.

This is the real Rend Collective.


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